Essential Black Metal,
incredibly bleak and powerful at the same time. An absolutely complete album,
the chemistry between lead guitar and drummer is magical.
Elder - Lore
Stoner rock at its
best, thick analog production, blistering lead guitar. Also the only non-Black
Metal album on my list. So you know it fucking rocks.
Enslaved - In Times
Another great album
from one of the best metal bands of all time, Enslaved's brand of progressive
space viking black metal soundscapes has produced an insanely deep discography.
Unbelievable live band.
Winterfylleth - The
Divination of Antiquity
Triumphant, epic Black
Metal from the UK. Super melodic guitar work, great production, awesome
acoustic instrumental breaks. Just a solid, kick-ass band.

Misþyrming – Söngvar Elds Og Óreiðu
Icelandic Black Metal that sounds like it was recorded in a cave. If you're into that type of thing, then you will love this album.
Amestigon - Thier
"Side" project from some heavy hitters on the Austrian Black Metal scene, last half of the closing track Hochpolung is transcendent.
Obsequiae - Aria of
Infernal Tombs
Weirdly brilliant and
seamless mashup of medieval chamber music and black metal.
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