1. Songs that get me in the mood for work in the morning. Port O'Brien's "I Woke Up Today," The Annuals’ "Around Your Neck," The Ark’s "Disease," The Envy Corps’ "Story Problem," The Futureheads’ “First Day,” Duffy's "Mercy," and the New Radicals’ “You Only Get What You Give."

2. Los Campesinos! @ the Troubadour on 6/7/08. LC! were full of crazy energy and sounded amazing. I was positively blown away by the mutual love between the band and the crowd. Hey Campesinos, next time play “C is the Heavenly Option.” Thanks!

3. The Troubadour. Many years ago, I was fortunate enough to see Gene play here and it is still, without a doubt, one of my favorite venues. If you get a chance, experience it!

4. My future new computer/ipod. Bring it!

5. Deutschemusikvideos. German dudes rockin’ it like britpop gods! Check out Tocotronic’s two videos “kapitulation” and “imitationen.” I spy awmercy dancing in the “kapitulation” video. Geez, you sure do get around.
Is this a count down or a count up?
You listen to Disease? You sicko!
Ah Nightrain, good eye. Tis a count up!
Mrs. B, I believe that I first heard this musical masterpiece at chez Braswicks. I also believe that you could get through it. You could even get into it.
la la la la la. I'm not listening. I'm not listening. God, now it's stuck in my head.
True words of romance:
"And if there is disease in you
I want to have that disease too
`Cause I want everything
That is inside you
If there is disease in you
I want to have that disease too
`Cause if you´d die
Then I should die beside you"
So what's up with the Prodigy album art? Is "Smack My Bitch Up" one of your wake up songs?
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