August 15, 2011

Thursday's Epic Set of Concerts

Every once and a while the concert gods like to fuck with me by having a month's worth of awesome shows all on one night. Usually, that means I have to make some tough decisions -- do I go with the old favorites, the new buzz bands I'm digging, or a rock n' roll spectacle?

At first glance, this Thursday appears to be just that type of night. Longtime favorites Hillstomp and the Builders & the Butchers, are playing at the Deschutes Street Fare, along with the new and fantastic Lost Lander. Then on the other side of the river, Waters, another new favorite, are opening for Mister Heavenly at Branx, while the Jon Spencer Blues Explosion play at the Wonder Ballroom.

On this night, the concert gods seem to be feeling particularly mischievous -- staggering the set times just enough to entertain the possibility that I could pull of all three events in one night. Think of it as prep for the nightly MusicFestNW hustle. Either way, there is no way I missing the Street Fare, especially since the $10 entry fee covers my first beer. So the question becomes, can I make catch Waters set and still make it up to the Wonder to see the veteran showmen?


awmercy said...

The follow up: I did most everything. I saw Lost Lander, Hillstomp, and the Builders and the Butchers. Miles loved Hillstomp the best. The arapas were fantastic too. Then we switched things up by going to Mississippi Studios for a free Jack Daniel's Honey event, where we knocked back a couple rather sweet cocktails -- I wish I had tried it on the rocks instead. Then trucked on over to Wonder to catch Jon Spencer.